Sunday, September 17, 2006

postheadericon Thank Your Partners, Contractors and outsourced workers Publicly - It will help your Business!

A little honey can go a long way, and sometimes that honey if given to your partners can go a long way towards helping your company in ways you may have never imagined, so thank your partners, contractors and outsourced workers publicly - it will help your business!.

When you publicly acknowledge and thank your partners or contractors or outsourced collaborators, it serves to promote their work and company. In the world of the internet, if you do this within your blog or web page, it can increase their marketing efforts on the web by improving their search engine ranking.

If they provide hyperlinks back to your company and in a content conducive way talk about the great and positive things they are doing working with your company, this will in turn increase your search engine ranking due to 1. the existence of the hyperlink in the first place, 2. the content and descriptions they provide on the page with the hyperlink, and 3. Due to their increased search engine ranking resulting from your comments, their new and increased search engine status will serve to elevate your search engine importance as well.

Many search engines determine the importance of a site based on the importance of sites that link to it. So if your partner is relatively obscure and they link to you it will help. However, if you help them and make them less obscure through your public acknowledgement, their link will help you even more!

You can think of it as the I'll scrath your back so that you can scratch my back more effectively effect!

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